Pads - No
$ - Free
Lights - No
Address - 3500 Bevis Lane
Comments - Sweet flow bowl with lots of different elements and height. The larger left hand kidney bowl is proper in size and has pool coping. Smaller street section but some fun options to work with!!!
Directions - From Cincinnati follow "75" north for about 3 miles. Take the exit for "74" west and go roughly 10 miles. Then take "275" north for around 5 miles and exit at Colerain Avenue. Turn right and make an immediate left on Redskin Drive. Go down about a half mile and make a left on Fairglen Drive. Then at the corner of Bevis Lane take a right into Clippard Park. When you hit the parking lot, go all the way to your left. The skatepark will be straight ahead down the sidewalk a bit, closer to the highway.