Pads - No
$ - Free
Lights - Yes till 11pm, There's a relay switch on the building at the entrance to turn them on. They're on a timer and turn off every hour so you might have to keep hitting the switch for them to keep coming back on till 11.
Address - 707 Schroyer Avenue SW
Comments - The 9th Street DIY skatepark in Canton Ohio is one of the biggest and best in the state. Located on a bunch of old tennis courts and a new blacktop pump track was put in next store. Definitely worth a special trip if your in the midwest. Props to everyone involved in making this park a reality!!!
Directions - From Cleveland follow the 77 south towards Akron. After about 60 miles take exit 105 onto Tuscarawas Street and turn left. Go about a half a mile and make a right onto Schroyer Avenue SW. Then about a half mile later you'll see the park down on your right.